Stay healthy with the family at home
Helping your whole family stay healthy and happy with fitness, nutrition and mental wellbeing advice from our Discovery wellness team.
Stay home. Stay happy. Stay rewarded.

Kids and teens

Eat healthy
- Spark your kids' curiosity with food

Stay fit
- Fun family workout ideas
- Top 10 tips on keeping active with the family

Stay mindful
- How to work from home when you have kids
- Enjoy these 5 simple ways to help your child stay mindful
- Take your child on a journey over the mindfulness rainbow

Stay learning
- Enjoy these simple, fun word searches together
- Free access to digital learning aligned to the CAPS, NSC and IEB curriculums.

Vitality 65+

Stay mindful
- Ageing gracefully with sound mental wellbeing: What you need to know
- Tips to keep your mental wellbeing in top shape as you age
- Here's how people over 65 can stay safe from COVID-19
- COVID-19: How to manage physical distancing if you are an older person
- Healthy mind: Cognitive skills, fitness and reserve
- Healthy mind: 8 ways to enhance cognitive fitness
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