With the kids at home, why not include a fun and easy exercise routine into your schedule?
Families that train together, stay together
Keep the kids active and engaged while they're at home and try this fun family workout video at home! It's a great way to spend quality time with your kids and get exercise at the same time.
Creating healthy family habits together
The exercises in the video are designed to be fun and engaging for kids of all ages. You can do them at home, in your own time and at your own pace. You can use the workouts to teach your kids that exercise can be fun and to see how they develop and get stronger with time.
Watch the video below for a demonstration by Mari Leach, Discovery Vitality Biokineticist, and her daughter. You can also print and cut out the routine below the video to stick on your fridge or your family activity board at home!
Family Fun Workout
Do 2 – 4 rounds
Push up / jump over
- Do a push up, jump over your partner, and repeat. Do 5 – 10 reps.
Reverse lunges
- Step forward (or backward) with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Do 10 reps on each side, 20 in total.
Squat rotation jumps
- Do a squat, engage your core and jump up explosively. Do 10 in total
Butterfly sit-ups
- Do a sit-up with knees wide and the soles of feet touching each other. You can also hook your legs together or let your kids sit on your feet. Do 10 – 20 reps.
Jumping jacks
- Do 10 jumping jacks or star jumps in total.
High-knee runs
- Run in place, bringing your knees to your chest. Do 10 in total
Push ups
- Push yourself up, keeping your body in a straight line and your elbows pointed to your toes. Do 5 – 10 reps.
Plank position
- Take your push up position and keep your body straight for 20 seconds. Do 5 – 10 reps.
Get active as a family and be a healthy, happy role model for your kids
Disclaimer: To reduce the risk of injury, please consult a healthcare provider before beginning this or any exercise programme. The exercises and advice presented in this article and video are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation. In light of the latest government directive, please follow all recommended hygiene and social distancing advice outside of the safety of your home.