Grow your wealth with the Discovery Capital 200|300+ (March 2025 tranche)
The Discovery Capital 200|300+ is a five-year product that provides you with exposure to both European and US equity markets. The growth of the product depends on an underlying global portfolio which consists of 20 European and US companies.
You get 100% growth if the global portfolio is flat or positive at the end of the five years, and 200% growth if the global portfolio is above 40%.
The growth you can get
You'll also receive conditional downside protection
You will get downside protection, unless the global share portfolio falls by more than 30% at any point during the five-year investment period. If the global share portfolio falls by more than 30% from its initial level at any point during the five-year investment period, the downside protection will fall away. The downside protection will provide your initial capital back, before the effect of admin fees, advice fees and taxes.
The growth, conditional downside protection or any other resulting return is before the effect of advice fees, Discovery admin fees and taxes where applicable. These fees and taxes will affect the final return.
Get a boost of up to 20% on your investment
In addition to the return of the Discovery Capital 200|300+ Fund, you can get a boost of up to 20% on your investment if you take out a new Endowment.
You will receive a portion of the boost after five years, and the rest of the boost after 10 years.
If you have an existing Endowment, the boost will not apply to transfers into the Discovery Capital 200|300+ Fund from non-qualifying funds.
Growth, conditional downside protection or any other resulting return is before the effect of advice fees, Discovery admin fees and taxes, where applicable. These fees and taxes will affect the final return.
The downside protection falls away if the global portfolio falls by more than 30% from its initial level at any point during the five-year investment period.
Please note that the boost will not apply to the Discovery Capital 200|300+ Fund if your client's investment was previously in funds that did not qualify. The full boost pays out over 10 years, with a portion payable after five years. Please see the Endowment Plan fact file for the full terms and conditions of the boost.
Discovery Life Investment Services Pty (Ltd), registration number 2007/005969/07, branded as Discovery Invest, is an authorised financial services provider. All life insurance products are underwritten by Discovery Life Limited, registration number 1966/003901/06, a licensed life insurer and an authorised financial service provider and registered credit provider, NCR Reg No NCRCP3555. All boosts are offered through the insurer, Discovery Life Limited. The insurer reserves the right to review and change the qualifying requirements for boosts at any time. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.
The growth over five years, before the effect of fees and taxes, represents the return of the Discovery Capital 200|300+ as a fund within the Endowment Plan and is; therefore, before the effect of any Discovery admin fees, and initial or ongoing financial adviser fees, if they apply. Information contained in this document is indicative. The final terms depend on the market conditions on the date of trade and will be defined in the term sheet. Investors are also subject to any default risk or restructure of the issuer BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance BV and the guarantor BNP Paribas.