A milestone of unmatched client outcomes

Discovery Invest reaches R20 billion in benefits and discounts accrued and paid to date on our unique investment opportunities.


How do we know our shared-value approach benefits investors, us, and society?

The numbers since the start of shared value speak for themselves:

R13.9 billion

in accrued value to date

206% growth

in the assets we manage for our clients

R6.4 billion

already paid to clients

211% growth

in the number of investments through Discovery Invest

Source: Discovery Internal data June 2024


How the shared-value approach creates value for you

Successful companies boost the economy as a whole, but society expects companies to make a difference while making a profit. This is where our shared-value approach is successful as it integrates benefits for our clients, our business, and society as a whole.

The more money that is invested - and the longer it stays invested - the more fees we receive. This leads to greater profits, which we channel back into boosts and extra rewards that encourage you to invest for longer, invest more, live well, and manage your money wisely in retirement. This benefits society as fewer people will be dependent on state resources or their own children in retirement.

Value for clients

We encourage clients to improve their financial and lifestyle behaviours by rewarding them with significant value in the form of boosts and discounts. Through these behaviours, which include investing longer, investing more, living well and withdrawing wisely, they can benefit from higher investment values during their investment term.

Value for Discovery Invest

The more money that is invested - and the longer it stays invested - the more fees we receive. This leads to greater profits, which we channel back into boosts and extra rewards that encourage you to invest for longer, invest more, live well, and manage your money wisely in retirement.

Value for society

Due to our clients improving their financial and lifestyle behaviours, resulting in better investment outcomes, a stronger savings culture is encouraged. Therefore, fewer people are dependent on state resources or their own children in retirement, benefiting society as a whole.

Discovery Invest is the first investment provider to reward healthy investment and lifestyle behaviours

See how we reward you.

Since the launch of shared value in 2015:

Clients have started investing 3 years earlier.

Clients who receive boosts make 82% more additional contributions to their investments compared to those who do not receive boosts.
*As a % of AUM, based on the 2023/2024 ESI period

Clients withdraw 11% less on their Living Annuities.


Source: Discovery Internal data June 2024


The Future of Investing. Now.

As acknowledged leaders in our field, Discovery Invest has maintained its position as the fastest-growing retail active asset manager in South Africa since 2018.

Our core focus has been to achieve better long-term investment outcomes for clients through innovation. We combine the best asset management solutions with our unique shared-value model that encourages better investment behaviours to create unmatched client outcomes. All of this is housed in a cost-effective and technologically advanced platform that continues to evolve.


Invest in people who invest in you

Our product range includes pre- and post-retirement investments, global investments and discretionary investments. When you invest with us, you can secure your financial future, as well as enjoy valuable boosts and discounts.

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