Fun word searches for the family at home

Download or save and print these fun word search puzzles to do with your child while at home.
Words can be represented forward, backwards, up, down and diagonally.
Have fun!
A great way to stay connected and keep your child engaged is to do activities together while at home. With these word search puzzles, you can enjoy finding delicious fruit & veg, and awesome sports together.
Try encourage a conversation aound each of the items you find; what does this fruit look like? Do you like eating this vegetable? Have you played this sport before?
Why not discuss each item you find before moving onto the next.
Fruit Salad
Veggie patch
These puzzles for entertainment purposes only and do not, in any way replace educational curriculum. In light of the latest government directive, please follow all recommended hygiene and social distancing advice outside of the safety of your home.