How Life cover helped mend a broken heart

Mohammed Rawat was diagnosed with a chronic heart condition at just 38 years old. Unable to work and with an impaired quality of life, his insurance policy has helped soften the blow.
When Shabnam Rawat took out a Discovery Life policy nine years ago for her herself and her husband, Mohammed, she did not consider that the young couple would need to call on it sooner than expected.
Shabnam says Mohammed, 38, had asthmatic symptoms for years, but they did not expect a diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The condition can range from mild, when airflow is somewhat limited, but it isn't limiting to daily life activities, but in its' moderate form, airflow is often restricted and the condition becomes noticeable to the patient. In its' severe forms, which Mohammed has, patients cannot exercise, symptoms flare up frequently and intensely and the quality of life is limited to poor.
About two years ago, what the Rawat's believed was another asthma attack, turned out to be far more serious. "It was a surprise because there was nothing else that he was dealing with which we thought would be this serious. It was upsetting to hear that this had developed," says Shabnam.
Mohammed could no longer work in his logistics role.
"He is very young, and to know that despite his age he can't do what others can, was difficult. He has to be on a nebuliser often, to help him breathe. He takes an array of medication so it is better for him to be at home to manage that. But he is confined in the home mostly. He isn’t immobile but he can’t walk too far," Shabnam says.
Calling on their insurance helped the family
Shabnam says, "Since January 2019, he has been able to be at home because we have life insurance cover that kicked in."
While the couple did not have severe illness cover or income protection, his Life Plan came to their aid, thanks to the Medical AccessCover Benefit. This unique feature of Discovery Life policies allows a client to convert their life cover into cash, should they experience one of a number of qualifying life-changing events while they are still alive.
Shabnam, who works in finance, says, "This pay-out has helped Mohammed to rest. It was difficult to realise that he couldn't work... he may never hold a permanent job because of the condition."
The couple has many Discovery products which have supported them on this journey. "Our policies from Discovery were good, and the process was efficient from the actual claims system, right until pay out," says Shabnam.
This does not constitute tailored financial advice. Contact your financial adviser for advice particular to your financial needs.
Discovery Life Limited. Registration number 1966/003901/06, is a registered long-term insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR Registration number NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply. This article is meant only as information and should not be taken as financial advice. For tailored financial advice, please contact your financial adviser.
Discovery's Severe Illness Benefit protects you from the financial impact of a critical illness by paying you a lump sum.
The Severe Illness Benefit is available when you get life insurance from Discovery. It pays out a lump sum in the case of certain severe illnesses. This money can be used to provide for needs such as modifying your lifestyle and your home or to cover the cost of a care-giver.
In recognition of the significant cancer coverage across the full spectrum of severities as well as coverage for the remission of a cancer, the LifeTime Max 200% Severe Illness Benefit was awarded the best dread disease product in the market for cancer cover by the Independent Clinical Oncology Network.
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