Top-grade education secured for my daughter

Arie Roos, a Pretoria-based pneumatics expert whose leg was severed below the knee in a 2005 motorbike smash, received a disability pay out of R200 000, and enabled him to move his daughter, Anrie, now 21, to a private school where she thrived, fully paid for by his Discovery Life Global Education Protector benefit.
Anrie was, at the time of her father's accident deeply traumatised by the life-threatening event and battling through Grade Two. But, she was able to successfully complete her schooling and go on to university despite her father's situation. Today, as long as she keeps passing her subjects towards a Bachelor of Education at Pretoria University, her fees and books will be fully paid for by the Discovery Life Global Education Protector benefit.
Arie's family life could have been profoundly different had he not taken out a spread of Discovery benefits, including the Discovery Income Continuation Benefit which paid him out R20 000 (before tax), per month, for the first six months that he couldn't work.
His wife, Tania, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and was also paid out R97 000 under the Dread Disease clause of Arie's Discovery Life policy after her diagnosis.
Come early 2017 she'd been clear of cancer for five years and her oncologist, besides urging regular annual check-ups, says she's returned to full health. On top of all this, a Discovery Premium Protection Benefit kicked in after his pay out and Arie no longer has to pay premiums on his ongoing Dread Disease and Disability Cover. This feature relates to any future claims not connected to his motor-bike crash.
Providence saved his life, not once, but four times
The full extent of Arie's near-tragic accident is easily lost behind his bonhomie and "half-full glass" outlook. He nearly lost his life several times, first in the accident, then upon admission to hospital where he was injected with a contrast medium in preparation for a CT scan. Unknown to him or the hospital staff, he was allergic to the contrast medium and his body's reaction nearly killed him. Then he suffered two cardiac arrests during the five surgical procedures he underwent to remove, repair and prepare his leg for a prosthetic extension.
Seconds after he and his 1 200cc bike swerved to avoid a braking car and skidded into a lamp post, a passing paramedic stopped to help, and called his wife and an ambulance. Arie says Tania later reported one paramedic telling another that he probably had about a 10% chance of making it. Arie was in hospital and home rehabilitation for six months.
Newly instituted policy made all the difference
He knows that his daughter's education and books are covered for another three years, including any post-graduate education that she may choose, locally or overseas. Another bit of providence that he's very grateful for - he was introduced to his Discovery broker just three months before his bike crash. "I asked him how, where and what it was all about and he explained it all to me. For some reason I said I'll take the policies. I think I'd just paid the third premium when I had my accident," he adds.
This endorsement does not constitute financial advice.
Discovery Life Limited is a registered long-term insurer and an authorised financial services provider. Registration number 1966/003901/06. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.
Fund your child's future with the game-changing Global Education Protector
Considering the current pace of education inflation, how important is an offering that helps you comprehensively protect your children's actual costs of education?
Discovery Life's enhanced Global Education Protector is designed to meet the growing challenge of funding education. It does this not only by ensuring that your child's education (whether local or international) is protected if you or your spouse suffers a life-changing event, but, in a game-changing move, also funds up to 100%* your children’s tertiary tuition fees, even if you don’t claim, when you simply lead a healthy lifestyle.
The three Global Education Protector benefits on offer (the Core, Private and Dollar options) provide the same key benefits at different levels of cover. Find out more about this ground-breaking new offering here.
*subject to the limits set by Discovery Life. Discovery Life Limited. Registration number 1966/003901/06, is a registered long-term insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR Reg No. NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.
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