Discovery's Severe Illness Benefit protects you from the financial impact of a critical illness by paying you a lump sum.
The Severe Illness Benefit is available when you get life insurance from Discovery. It pays out a lump sum in the case of certain severe illnesses. This money can be used to provide for needs such as modifying your lifestyle and your home or to cover the cost of a care-giver.
Reasons to consider Discovery's Severe Illness Benefit
In recognition of the significant cancer coverage across the full spectrum of severities as well as coverage for the remission of a cancer, the LifeTime Max 200% Severe Illness Benefit was awarded the best dread disease product in the market for cancer cover by the Independent Clinical Oncology Network.
Claim more than once
Our Severe Illness Benefit includes the most extensive multiple claims facility in the market. This allows you to claim multiple times*, with the ability to receive more than your original sum assured.
* subject to the terms and conditions for your specific benefit version and plan type.
Children and parents receive automatic cover
We recognise that a family member's severe illness may have a financial impact on you. We offer additional severe illness cover for your children and parents at no extra cost.
Comprehensive cover for early cancers
The Early Cancer Benefit provides you with up to R160 000 for an extensive list of early cancers.
Access to the best treatment in the world
With the Global Treatment Benefit you can get up to 180% of your insured amount if you choose to have your treatment performed at an international facility.
A market first for multi-organ failure protection
Introducing a market-first, the Multi-organ Benefit. Protect your family against impact of COVID-19 with the enhanced Severe Illness Benefit which automatically covers multi-organ complications associated with COVID-19.
Other unique benefit options
LifeTime Benefit
The LifeTime Benefit considers the long-term impact that a severe illness is expected to have on your lifestyle, allowing the number of dependants at the time of claim to determine the claim amount.
Cancer Relapse Benefit
With the Cancer Relapse Benefit you can receive a further payment of up to 100% of your insured amount on the recurrence of a cancer after a one-year remission period. This benefit is automatically included with the LifeTime Benefit.
Female Benefit
The Female Benefit provides cover for specified severe illnesses affecting women, including cancer and complications of pregnancy.
Childbirth Benefit
The Childbirth Benefit covers multiple births as well as congenital birth defects.
Family Trauma Benefit
The Family Trauma Benefit covers your family for specified accidental injuries, including burns and comas, as well as medical emergencies requiring resuscitation or ICU stay.
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Life insurance products from Discovery
Discovery Life Limited, registration number 1966/003901/06, is a licensed life insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR registration number NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.