Understanding cancer allows you to better cope with and combat the condition. Read on to find information to help you understand cancer, what it is and how it is treated, as well as facts on how your medical scheme covers cancer treatment.
Get empowered to take charge of your health
Listen to our webinar and delve into the ways you can decrease your risk of getting breast cancer - from making lifestyle changes, to doing breast self-examinations and going for regular screening such as mammograms and breast ultrasounds.

Healthy Living - Prevent Cancer
Learn how to lower your cancer risk through the right screening tests, exercise, nutrition, alcohol, sun-savvy, smoking-smarts and other lifestyle advice.

Cancer - The Basics
Find answers to first-step questions about cancer. Understand cancer's development, the variety of cancer classifications, prevalence and key signs and symptoms.

You've been Diagnosed
Gain a range of insights, from treatments' side-effects and impacts on fertility, to the right support for your mental and physical health.

Your Cancer Treatment
A series of articles on getting cancer treatment - including coping with treatment, information on chemotherapy, etc.

Support for Loved Ones
It's rewarding to be there for a loved one. But, caring for a sick person takes its toll. How can we prevent caregiver-stress and ensure good coping-mechanisms?

Cancer and your Finances
Does your financial cover protect you in the event of a severe illness? Understand cancer's true costs, the impact on career and lifestyle and more.

You're a Survivor
While every cancer journey is unique, being diagnosed changes every patient's life. Celebrate life after cancer with key insights into stages of cancer survivorship.

Facing Cancer Relapse?
Cancers can relapse. For some patients, cancers require lifetime monitoring. Find out more about the impact of living with cancer long-term.

As your Cancer Progresses
Palliative care is a substantially supportive element in a cancer patient's journey, ensuring attention to quality of life, every step of the way.

Our Survivors' Stories
Brave cancer survivors share their experiences of fighting cancer and their key learnings. Be inspired by their words of wisdom, hope and support.

Meet the Medical Experts
Top healthcare experts in the fields of cancer treatment, research and patient support share their experiences and offer insights relevant to all of us.

Understanding Cancer Podcast Series
This ten-part podcasts series will empower you with a new understanding of cancer - one relevant to every person out there. SA's top oncology experts share fascinating insights that will inform and change your perspective on cancer, for good.