It's rewarding to be there for a loved one. But, caring for a sick person takes its toll. How can we prevent caregiver-stress and ensure good coping-mechanisms?
When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer your first reaction is to do whatever you can to help. What you need to is to find a balance between feelings of helplessness and your desire to help.
Have you ever wondered how to help a friend or loved one living with cancer or undergoing cancer treatment? Here is a list of helpful do's and don'ts
Caring for a loved one who is terminally ill takes an emotional and physical toll. Remember that you can only give what you have got and if you're running on empty you won't have much to offer which is why it's so important to also take care of YOU!
Although caring for a loved one can be very rewarding, it can also be quite overwhelming as there are so many things you need to remember and do for your cancer patient.