We reward you for living better by giving you PayBack

Four-by-four off-road vehicle enthusiast, Durban-based Morgan Naidu, 57, is the first to admit he needs to shift into a higher gear with his Discovery Life policy and his Discovery Vitality membership.
Demonstrating the power of PayBack
With just two years to go before he secures a hefty pay-out on a Discovery Classic Life Plan taken out in 2000, Morgan's says he's entirely focussed on his job as national marketing manager for a German vehicle air filter manufacturing company - and just hasn't made the time to improve his Discovery Vitality status, currently at Blue.
"To be brutally honest, to get where I am work-wise I've had to work twice as hard as most people. But that's no excuse - I haven't made the time to make the most of my Discovery Health Integrator where I'd get premium discounts and PayBacks on my policy."
He's says he's not a great fan of credit cards - using a Discovery card would win him substantial points, air miles and contribute to his integration benefits - and his company pays for his average of 10 000km of flights per month that take him to Mozambique, Botswana and Swaziland, plus all South African's major cities.
"With me being on the move all the time, my broker struggles to get hold of me, but I realise now I need to get more pro-active - just talking to you has prompted me to schedule an urgent meeting with him," he says.
Coastal walking keeps him fit
It's not as if Morgan's unfit.
"I set a weekly steps target on my Android Smart watch and every Sunday morning do a 20km walk with a group of eight friends; from Ushaka Marine World on Durban's beachfront northwards to the small coastal Virginia Airport. I've also do the Discovery/East Coast radio Big Walks along a very similar route - the last one was in May this year (2018). But besides that, my job in the automotive industry means I walk from plant to plant on factory sites - it all helps," he adds.
A family man with two married children with his beauty therapist wife, Jade, he jokingly describes himself as "genetically disadvantaged," citing how his inherited diabetes results in him making significant monthly claims on his Discovery Coastal Saver Medical Aid plan.
"That means I don't get as much discount on my Discovery Classic Life premiums as I could. I need insulin, a chest inhaler and heart medication, which Discovery covers more than 90% of," he says.
He avoids going to gym because of his vulnerability to infections but admits with refreshing honesty; "look, I must make an effort and better my Vitality status somehow. I don't to parkruns, but our coastal walks make up for that - it's a bit sad really, being on the lowest Vitality status. It seems that for want of a small effort, I'm missing out on big rewards."
His Discovery Classic Life Plan covers him for both disability and dread disease which gives me great peace of mind. When it comes to vehicles, he's happiest when kicking into four-wheel-drive at the Shongweni Four-by-Four track or at Sodwana Bay or on the Wild Coast.
"Every fortnight myself and group of buddies take our Ford Rangers and go camping somewhere. The other boys fish or braai. I like to watch and do the least amount of work possible," he quips.
Now all that remains is for Morgan to get that Vitality integration gearing locked in to more easily negotiate his financial terrain.
This endorsement does not constitute financial advice.
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