Discovery's shared-value offers

We are currently offering new clients these great value offers - from treating you like Gold, to giving you additional discounts on your Business Life Plan.
Get Gold Vitality status PayBacks for three years
We want to give you the time you need to improve your health and wellness with Discovery Vitality, so all new qualifying Classic and Purple life plans will get the PayBacks of a Gold Vitality status for the first three years of your policy - regardless of your actual Vitality status. Reach Diamond status and you'll get even more PayBack.
Intelligent life insurance for young adults
The Smart Life Plan offers young professionals comprehensive and dynamic cover that protects your current and future lifestyle and financial security. To help get you off to a bright start on your journey towards health and wellness, Discovery Life will provide new Smart Life Plan clients with at least half of your qualifying premiums back through the Smart PayBack Fund. By managing your health and wellness and driving well, you can increase this amount to up to 100% of your qualifying premiums back through the Smart PayBack Fund.
Get five years of qualifying premiums back at retirement
To encourage you to live a healthier life, if you take out the Buy-up Cash Conversion Benefit, you can up to five years' worth of all your qualifying life insurance premiums back at age 65, in addition to the payouts you will receive from staying healthy if you have the Buy-up Cash Conversion benefit. Depending on your age at entry when you take out the Buy-up Cash Conversion Benefit, the number of year's premiums that you could get back varies between three and five.
Get a 100% premium discount on your lump sum disability benefit for one year on Business Life Plans
Disability cover is a critical component that is often omitted from business assurance policies due to affordability concerns. While Discovery Life currently provides the ability to receive significant premium discounts on the Capital Disability Benefit throughout the term of the policy, we are extending access to this benefit as well as the full features of Integration by offering a 100% discount on the Capital Disability Benefit premium for the first year of the policy, allowing all qualifying clients to benefit from the Comprehensive Integrator as well.
Discovery Life Limited. Registration number 1966/003901/06, is a registered long-term insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR Reg No. NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.
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