Celebrate summer your way with Discovery Life's financial rewards!

With Discovery Life, there is always something to celebrate in the summertime. That's because of the financial rewards you get for healthy living. So, get ready to switch off, take that leave, and think about how you'll spend your cash back and savings.
Every summer, South Africans gear up to enjoy the year-end. It's a time to forget about work and enjoy what you usually put on the back burner, like spending time with family, traveling and treating yourself. Take a moment and think about what a perfect summer looks like to you. It could be lounging by the poolside with no to-do list, going on an epic adventure, indulging in a spa treatment, or fine dining al fresco. Or all the above!
Holiday plans often come with price tags, but don't let that stop you from enjoying your time off. Whatever your ideal summer looks like, Discovery Life can help make it happen. Our life insurance allows you to earn rewards for making healthy lifestyle choices.
Here are the financial rewards you can get with Discovery Life, no matter the time of year:
- Up to 48% premium discounts
By linking your Discovery Life Plan to your other Discovery products, you save on your premiums. For example, if you have a Life Plan, you're a Discovery Bank client, and you're on Discovery Health with Vitality, you could get an upfront and ongoing life insurance premium discount of up to 48%. The discount can then be maintained when you manage your health and financial wellness.
- PayBack benefit: Up to 100% life insurance premiums back in cash
Discovery Life clients can receive PayBacks, where a percentage of your life insurance premiums are paid back to you to reward you for managing your health and wellness. You can earn up to 100% of your premiums back in cash as a reward for your healthy behaviours.
Supplement your retirement savings and monetise your health and wellness management
Did you know that a typical 40-year-old Discovery member with Gold or Diamond Vitality status has a life expectancy of 89 years*? The extended longevity means you'll need more money for a longer retirement. Supplement your retirement funding with the Cash Conversion benefit**, which pays out up to 100% of your life insurance cover amount from age 65, without reducing your cover.
Your Cash Conversion value grows over time the more you engage in Vitality and improve your health and wellness. When you reach 65, the benefit pays out in 10 equal yearly tax-free instalments.
Discovery Life's Shared-value Insurance model means you can get covered and enjoy benefits in summer and beyond. So, kick back this summer knowing that your healthy choices are not only good for your lifestyle, but also convert into real financial rewards.
The only question now is what will you spend that cash back on?
Learn more about Discovery Life's suite of protective cover and benefits that reward healthy living and safeguard your financial future.
* Internal health data
** The Cash Conversion benefit, available for an additional premium, is a risk benefit, not an investment product. Therefore, this benefit does not have any lapse or surrender value before the payouts become due. This means we will not owe you any money or benefits if you cancel your policy before your payout is due.
Discovery Life Limited, registration number 1966/003901/06, is a licensed insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider. NCR registration number NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.
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Discovery offers you and your family flexible personal financial protection at a cost-effective premium and we reward you for living a healthy life and managing your finances.