We reward you for living better by giving you PayBack

Discovery Life insurance broker Norman Isaacs, 76, looks after three generations of clients. He bluntly tells aspirant policyholders up-front, "If you want maximum benefit, it's vital that you commit to a healthy lifestyle in a long-term way.”
Discovery Life insurance broker Norman Isaacs, 76, looks after three generations of clients. He bluntly tells aspirant policyholders up-front, "If you want maximum benefit, it's vital that you commit to a healthy lifestyle in a long-term way.”
In imparting this advice, he is referring to teaching his clients how to integrate Discovery's many and varied products to minimise insurance premiums, maximise clients' premium PayBacks (up to 50% of your premiums back every five years), and boost their Vitality status. "By staying fit and healthy and therefore improving your risk profile, using their Discovery Card and Vitality Drive benefits and keeping their Discovery Health Medical Scheme claims low, clients can benefit from significant premium reductions,” says Isaacs. "The PayBacks can be used to boost tax-deductible retirement annuities, take a well-deserved holiday with family or to invest in solid options, like property. My advice is nearly always age- and situation-specific as I tailor it to individual clients.”
Client's PayBack helping son
"I always do a full client investigation. What do you want for your kids and grandchildren and your wife? It's vitally important for me to tell them how to improve their health by getting to Gold or Diamond Vitality status as that affects your PayBack. I keep in touch with my clients regularly but, I don't want to have to keep pushing them to improve their health by engaging in Vitality. They know they need to do this themselves. They know what they need to do to get maximum benefit.” Recently one of his Discovery Life clients on Diamond Vitality status got R900 000 in PayBacks – Isaacs' highest client PayBack yet. "He could hardly afford the premiums when he started some five years ago, but he's followed the rules very well. His son is immigrating soon and he's using the PayBack money to help him settle,” he says. The client took out his policy in July 2012 and received the payback in mid-2017.
"My late grandmother told me there are two certain things in life. You are born and you die. Everything in between is guaranteed to change,” Norman quips. His other top advice for clients is to use the PayBacks and savings on premiums wisely. "I've learnt what not to do – you don't need anything excessive like extra cars or jewellery,” he stresses. "Go for nice holiday with your wife. Buy a second house or flat. Any money that you invest is good,” he adds.
This endorsement does not constitute financial advice.
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