Will this be your company's healthiest year yet?

Read more about the assessments you and your employees can do to know more about your health.
Book a Discovery Wellness Experience for your company here
The Discovery Wellness Experience identifies future chronic conditions early on, giving you and your employees a chance to nip symptoms in the bud. Many of the illnesses that the Wellness Experience is designed to detect, are diseases of poor lifestyle - unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, smoking, high alcohol intake and more. These habits result in illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity and so on – mostly preventable and manageable through simple, healthy lifestyle habit tweaks.
All about the Discovery Wellness Experience
The Wellness Experience measures key body metrics and does blood tests so you and your employees can learn more about your health. The screening includes glucose and cholesterol checks, blood pressure, a postural assessment, an eye assessment, weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and an HIV test. A professional Wellness Specialist performs the screening and will provide HIV counselling before and after the test is taken. All HIV test results are kept completely confidential. The screening takes 35 to 40 minutes to complete, afterwards you and your employees will receive a comprehensive report on your wellbeing and Vitality members can earn up to 30 000 Vitality points.
If you haven’t yet, book your Discovery Wellness Experience now.
What other assessments could you and your employees do?
Vitality Fitness Assessment
- The Vitality Fitness Assessment measures cardio-vascular fitness and strength and flexibility, showing you what to focus on to get fitter and stronger. Book an appointment with a biokineticist in the Vitality Wellness Network, at a Vitality Wellness Centre or at your nearest Discovery Store. And, doing the Vitality Fitness Assessment gives you up to 25% cash back on the activated HealthyGear benefit.
- Get 2500 Vitality points - and up to an additional 5000 Vitality points depending on your fitness level.
Assessments for the ladies
- Mammogram - early breast cancer detection
If you’re 40 and over you can get 2 500 Vitality points for having a mammogram done. Remember to regularly check your own breasts and your skin for any abnormal lumps and bumps. - Pap smear – arming you against cervical cancer
Regular pap smears are incredibly important and can detect precancerous cells that, if left untreated, could lead to cervical cancer. You can get 2 500 points for having a pap smear done.
*Visit a healthcare provider for a Pap smear once every three years and for a Mammogram once every two years. You will earn the points in the year of the screening, and in the next year/s.
Assessments for the guys
- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test
A PSA test is recommended for men over 50 to screen for early-stage prostate cancer.
Additional assessments
Dental Health Check
A dental check-up ensures ongoing good oral health.- You can get 1000 Vitality points for having a check-up done.
Glaucoma screening
- Glaucoma can cause blindness. Screening tests are recommended for people over 40.
Discovery for Business
Employers benefit significantly from a healthier workforce. Find out more about our comprehensive Employee Benefits for businesses.