Ever wondered how much Vitality members actually save on healthy groceries, local flights, sports gear or gym fees? Get the inside scoop right here, right now.
Revealed! It really does pay to live life with Vitality
What is the one habit you want to make or break in 2024? Perhaps you'd like to eat more healthily, exercise more regularly or give yourself more healthy years in which to see the world. You can achieve all of this and so much more with Discovery Vitality.
The rands and cents of behaviour change
Discovery Vitality uses the power of behavioural science to help members create and sustain healthy habits like getting active and eating well.
Plus, by improving their habits, Vitality members unlock impressive rewards and discounts on products and services designed to help them live healthier lives.
It's a win win! The stronger your healthy habits, the more you save on things like gym fees and healthy groceries. This in turn strengthens your healthy habits even further.
Let's have a closer look at how Vitality helps members achieve their goals:

No wonder over 1.7 million people love getting active and rewarded with Vitality. Don't miss out for another minute!