KeyCare Series - the affordable medical aid option

Affordable medical aid cover


Here's what you get:

  • Unlimited hospital cover in our KeyCare hospital networks.
  • Guaranteed full cover in hospital for specialists on the KeyCare network, and up to 100% of the Discovery Health Rate (DHR) for other healthcare professionals.
  • Cover for comprehensive pre- and postnatal healthcare services for maternity and early childhood.
  • Unlimited cover for medically appropriate GP consultations, blood tests, X-rays or medicine in our KeyCare networks on the KeyCare Plus and KeyCare Start plans.
  • Essential cover for chronic medicine on the KeyCare medicine list for all Chronic Disease List conditions when you use a designated service provider (DSP).
  • Cover depends on the plan you choose.

Our four plans in the KeyCare Series

  Plus Core Start Start Regional
Hospital cover
Unlimited private hospital cover at a network hospital. Unlimited cover in your chosen KeyCare Start Network Hospital. Unlimited hospital cover in the chosen KeyCare Start Regional network hospital. Members must go to a network hospital in their selected region.
Full cover with a specialist we have a payment arrangement with.
Specialists we don't have a payment arrangement with are covered at a percentage of the Discovery Health Rate. 100% 100% 100% 100%
Other healthcare professionals are covered at a percentage of the Discovery Health Rate. 100% 100% 100% 100%
Chronic illness cover
Chronic condition: Cover for 27 Chronic Disease List conditions (once approved) according to the Prescribed Minimum Benefits.

Chronic medicine: Full cover for approved medicine on our medicine list at a designated service provider pharmacy.

You have cover for chronic medication in a state facility.
Cancer cover
Full cancer treatment cover that is a Prescribed Minimum Benefit subject to the use of a designated service provider. You have cover for cancer in a network facility. You have cover for cancer in a state facility.
Day-to-day cover

Primary care through your chosen GP and day-to-day medicine from our medicine list.

  Through referral by the KeyCare Online practice.

Includes specialists cover up to R5,550 per person per year when referred by a GP.


Includes specialists cover up to R2,780 per person per year when referred by a GP.

    When referred by your chosen KeyCare Start Regional GP.

This is only a summary of the key benefits. Please consult the health plan guide for more details. Discovery Health Medical Scheme Rules apply.

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