How can a Hospital Benefit specialist help you?

A Discovery Hospital Benefit Specialist helps you to get the most benefit from your medical scheme which is administered by Discovery Health. They are experts in the different medical schemes and can guide you on the various benefits you have on your health plan and how to get access to these. In an effort to make your admission process a seamless one for both you and your healthcare professional, we have introduced the Hospital Benefit Specialist.

What is a Hospital Benefit Specialist and what do they do?

A clinically trained representative of Discovery Health and an expert on medical schemes administrated by Discovery Health. They help members, doctors and hospitals understand the various benefits offered and how to access and use these.

Can a Hospital Benefit Specialist help me understand my medical schemes benefits?

These are experts on your benefits and how to best use them. If your query sits outside their scope of work, they will ensure you receive the necessary support.

Can the Hospital Benefit Specialist make any decisions about what my medical scheme pays for?

We always make decisions in line with the Scheme Rules and admission guidelines. The Hospital Benefit Specialist makes any decisions in line with the Scheme rules, applicable to your medical scheme administered by Discovery Health, and admission guidelines.

A Hospital Benefit specialist will review non-emergency medical admissions for members who are 19 years or older.

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