Discovery's Capital Disability Benefit pays you a lump sum if you become disabled.
Protect yourself against the cost of disability with Discovery's Capital Disability Benefit
When you have a Discovery life insurance policy, you can include the Capital Disability Benefit. It provides you with a lump-sum payout if you become disabled. You can cover any costs associated with your disability, whether that's specialised medical equipment, home modifications or paying off medical debts.
Benefit from our flexibility
You can choose for how long you want to be covered - until the age of 65 or 70. If you have cover remaining at your benefit expiry age, it will automatically convert to provide you with severe illness cover in retirement, with no medical underwriting required.
You don't have to wait
We assess the severity of your condition based on objective medical criteria, and provide a claim payment as soon as your condition meets the qualifying criteria. If your condition does not meet the medical criteria, you could still qualify for a payment if it results in you being unable to perform the duties of your occupation.
Furthermore, while the assessment of your condition is underway you could receive payouts from your disability insurance to help you cover your financial commitments, until we have established the permanence of your disability.
Key features of the Capital Disability Benefit

The world's first disability product focused on helping you to regain your pre-disability lifestyle
While current disability products in the market focus on the clinical severity of an injury or disability, a key factor overlooked is providing you with a benefit that helps to regain your lifestyle and independence after a life-changing event. Through clinical and technological research conducted by a panel of medical experts, the LifeTime Benefit has been designed to provide you with additional upfront and ongoing payouts, that take into account the significant upfront costs, as well as the ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs of the latest medical technology associated with certain disability events and conditions.
You can select from the LifeTime 300 or LifeTime 200 Capital Disability Benefits, which provide additional payouts for a total payout of up to 300% and 200% respectively.

Automatic upgrade to 100% payout on suffering a Category B disability
While partial permanent disabilities may not fully disable you, we understand that they still have a significant long-term impact on your ability to earn an income, perform daily activities and maintain your overall wellbeing.
In recognition of this and to ensure absolute claims certainty, all qualifying Category B Capital Disability claims on the LifeTime Capital Disability Benefit will automatically be upgraded from a 50% to a 100% benefit payout.

Automatic Child Impairment Benefit
Provides a payout of up to 10% of your Capital Disability insured amount on a Classic Life Plan, subject to a maximum, if your child suffers one of the tailored child disability definitions.

Absolute certainty through a robust claims assessment filter
Historically, disability claims were assessed according to a person's ability to perform their occupation. Discovery's objective medical criteria and unique loss of income underpin on the Classic Life Plan provide you with certainty and transparency. You are therefore guaranteed a quick, fair and consistent claims assessment.

Cover while the permanence of the condition is being established
If you suffer a loss of income of more than 80%, you can receive payouts on the Classic Life Plan while the permanence of the condition is being assessed.

Cover up to age 70
With increasing life expectancy, many of us will be forced to work longer to have enough retirement savings. With Discovery Life, you can choose a benefit expiry age of 65 or 70.

Dynamic protection throughout your life
To give you continued peace of mind in retirement, your Capital Disability Benefit will automatically convert to the Severe Illness Benefit on the selected benefit expiry age to provide cover for Severity A and B illnesses.