How to improve both your physical and mental wellbeing with the WELLTH Fund

Living in a digitally enabled world affords us many conveniences, but with these come greater expectations of what we can do and how quickly we can get things done. With this increasingly fast-paced and demanding way of living, keeping a close watch on your physical and mental health is more important than ever before.
The upkeep of good health (both physical and mental) requires regular preventive screening so that potential health issues can be identified early on and treated in the most appropriate way. Here, we will explore the significance of mental and physical health screening, and the value of early intervention, when necessary.
Physical health checks
These are routine check-ups, often done once a year, that typically include measurements of your blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI) and HIV testing - all of which can be done in one sitting when you go for your Health Check, which is fully covered annually for all members by the existing Screening and Prevention Benefit.
Depending on the results of your Health Check, your healthcare practitioner may suggest conducting further examinations that test for signs of disease, assess organ function and screen for illnesses like cancer and cardiovascular diseases. To offer a more comprehensive guideline, here are six important screening tests for common diseases.
Dr Noluthando Nematswerani, Discovery Health's Chief Clinical Officer shares the value of regular physical health checks with us:
"There are certain preventable chronic illnesses that are known to have "silent" symptoms, which means that they often don't show any signs of their presence, until they have progressed to more detrimental (and sometimes non-rectifiable) stages of the disease. Physical health screening is the only way to detect such illnesses, so by committing to your regular health checks every year, you give yourself a far better chance of picking up chronic conditions early and being able to prevent their progress through optimal management of them."
Being unaware of silent conditions that can have a detrimental effect on your healthspan and lifespan, is a worldwide issue. For example: World Health Organization data show that approximately 1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 years have hypertension (high blood pressure), yet almost half (46%) of these individuals are completely unaware that they are living with this condition. Having undetected high blood pressure significantly heightens your risk for other health problems, such as heart disease, heart attack and stroke. All the more reason to book your Health Check today.
In keeping up with your regular Health Checks, you are also likely to lower your healthcare costs over time. And, once all members (of 2 years and older) on your plan have completed a Health Check - or in the case of your little ones - a Kids Health Check or an Online Kids Health Review, the WELLTH Fund is automatically activated. In short, this is a once-off, additional risk benefit, offering families further funding to understand and address their personal healthcare needs.
Here is a breakdown of what the WELLTH Fund can cover for you and your family.
Mental health checks
Mental health disorders are not as uncommon in our country as many tend to think they are. Statistics released by the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) reveal that one in six South Africans suffer from anxiety, depression or substance-use problems (not including more serious conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia).
Dr Nematswerani shares more concerning statistics with us: "A recent study by the Wits/Medical Research Council Developmental Pathways for Health Research Unit, has shown that more than a quarter of South Africans suffer from probable depression. This is a higher rate when we compare ourselves to other countries. What's most alarming, is that three quarters of South Africans who suffer from depression do not undergo treatment for such a condition, which can give them the necessary tools to live more fulfilling and successful lives.".
Most mental health assessments are conducted by psychologists or psychiatrists. They are designed to evaluate your emotional and psychological wellbeing, which is achieved by assessing your mental state, emotional stability, cognitive functioning and potential symptoms of conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
By going for a mental health assessment, early intervention in the initial stages of a mental illness is made possible. This can have life-changing consequences for a person's mental health and wellbeing.
Early intervention is not only vital for preventing or reducing the progress of a mental illness, but also helpful in improving your mental and physical health, as well as your future socioeconomic outcome. Early intervention is particularly important for children and young people, as mental illness can have profound, long-term consequences that pose significant risk factors like not being able to complete their studies and having an unequal footing to their peers.
"Physical and mental health assessments go hand in hand when it comes to maintaining and managing your overall health. Regular assessments form a solid foundation for personalised care, timely interventions and the chance at living a happier, healthier life. All of our Discovery Health Medical Scheme members have access to mental wellbeing assessments via their profiles with us. These can be accessed through a web browser or the Discovery App. I encourage all members to take these assessments as part of their holistic health screening strategies very year," concludes Dr Nematswerani.
You can also read more about Discovery's Mental wellbeing programme here.
All medical information found on this website, including content, graphics, and images, is for educational and informational objectives only. Discovery Health publishes this content to help and to empower patients and their families. The views expressed by all the contributing healthcare providers are their independent, professional medical opinions, aimed at supporting patients. These views do not necessarily constitute the views of Discovery Health.