You never know how brave you are until being brave is the only choice you have

Little did Financial Adviser, Michelle van Wyk, know that agreeing to a routine eye test would turn out to be a stroke of luck.
For most people, a routine eye test is a simple procedure, which is usually painless and uneventful. Unfortunately, this was not the case for independent financial adviser, Michelle van Wyk. A routine eye test in late 2018 forever changed life as she knew it.
Looking for new frames for her pair of glasses, Michelle popped into a retail optical store in Lynwood, Pretoria. After finding a pair she liked, she was asked to undergo an eye test. Having just completed one at another optometrist, she was reluctant to do a second test. But just as well she did, because had she not agreed to this, the optometrist would not have picked up a large growth behind her left eye.
Fourteen different ophthalmologist consultations later, Michelle was left with varying medical opinions but no definite diagnosis. It was only when she saw a leading ophthalmologist who specialises in ocular oncology, that she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer affecting four in every million people. Michelle had a cancerous tumour growing behind her eye, which was alarmingly close to her optical nerve and would need immediate radiation.
"I am on a Classic Comprehensive medical aid plan. Discovery contacted me to assist with registering on their Oncology Programme. They were very efficient, kind and sensitive over the phone."
Being a Discovery Life policyholder with the Severe Illness Benefit - a benefit that protects you from the financial impact of critical illness with lump sum pay-outs - Michelle was paid out directly after her diagnosis.
"I've been in the financial advisory industry for 30 years and I've noticed that people take up disability cover a lot more than they do dread disease cover. There is a great misunderstanding around the latter. What they don't realise is that dread disease cover is actually a living benefit. It doesn't mean you have to die of cancer before you get paid out. You get paid out on diagnosis, like I did."
Michelle's cancer treatment regime involved undergoing Gamma Knife® surgery, which was fully covered by her Oncology Benefit. This is a treatment method that uses radiation and computer-guided planning to treat brain tumours, vascular malformations and other abnormalities in the brain. Since her treatment, Michelle now visits two oncologists every six months for regular check-ups and will continue doing so for the next 15 years.
Michelle is the youngest of 11 children and a loving mother herself.
She has received an incredible amount of love and support from her family and friends. Although she maintains an inspiringly positive outlook on life and continues to put up a brave fight, 2021 has been an extremely trying year for her.
After Mother's Day, she contracted COVID-19, had to be hospitalised and was on supportive oxygen for a while after her infection cleared. In July, after a polyp was discovered on her gallbladder, she had to undergo gallbladder removal surgery (a cholecystectomy) because of her cancer history. While recovering from her gallbladder surgery, Michelle hurt her shoulder and the damage was quite severe. In early September, she had intensive shoulder surgery to repair her broken shoulder bone and the severed ligament under her rotator cuff, which left her in a great deal of pain and unable to drive for six weeks.
Thankfully, Michelle also has the Income Continuation Benefit on her Discovery Life policy. Being unable to work during her initial radiation treatment, her COVID-19 hospitalisation and isolation period, as well as her post-operative shoulder recovery, this benefit proved to be extremely useful in ensuring that she could claim some financial support for the period of time she needed. The Income Continuation Benefit provides a regular income to protect against unexpected financial losses when illness or an injury prevents you from being able to work, as in Michelle's case.
A smooth-running claims experience
"As a financial adviser, we do all of our claims ourselves. Discovery was fantastic! From my medical aid, to my Income Continuation Benefit, to my Severe Illness Benefit, all of my claims ran smoothly."
"All of my Discovery Life benefits assisted me greatly. My LifeTime Max 200% Severe Illness Benefit especially helped me because in the end, the boosted payouts meant that I landed up being paid out a third more than what I would have, without this cover."
"I gym every day. I eat healthy and I take all the vitamins. Every year I went for blood checks to see if my readings were high for cancer and nothing was picked up. If I hadn't agreed to a second eye test that day, I would have waited another two years for a new pair of glasses and I don't know what would have happened by then. Knowing that life can take some unexpected turns and choosing the right financial cover with the right financial services institute is so important. " concludes Michelle.
Discovery Life Limited. Registration number 1966/003901/06, is a licensed insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR Reg No. NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.
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