A lifetime of service deserves some rest, but retiring well in the future means planning for it today. Learn how to save enough for retirement and how to manage your funds wisely once you've retired.

Is property a smart way to save for retirement?
Many South Africans favour property as a way to build long-term wealth and set themselves up for an income into retirement. Certainly, many have enjoyed solid returns in this way, as entrepreneur and former Miss South Africa Jo-Ann Strauss can attest.

Why invest globally? What South Africans stand to gain
Global investing offers South Africans unique and compelling benefits - the most fundamental of which is spreading your overall investment risk, says Head of Research and Development at Discovery Invest, Craig Sher.

Discovery is making global investing more appealing than ever
Uncertainty and market volatility have led to renewed interest among local investors seeking to take their money abroad. Discovery Invest's Head of Research and Development, Craig Sher, cautions against trying to time the market, but says that investing globally is an important part of wealth accumulation.

Q&A: Global investing for your family
Experience teaches us it's unwise to put all your eggs in one basket - and spreading the risk is exactly what offshore exposure does for your investment portfolio.But with so many products and assets available to investors looking abroad, the process can seem daunting.

Discovery teams up with world leaders in investment management
Medium- to long-term investors in South Africa stand a lot to gain from quality exposure to international markets. And for those seeking to diversify their portfolios abroad, Discovery Invest is bringing in the big guns.
Make your home an asset, not a liability
We all look forward to a comfortable, worry-free retirement. One obvious way to ensure you have a worry-free retirement is making sure that you don't have to worry about how you will pay for where you will live.
Do you dream of the day you can head into a wonderful retirement of travel, gardening and leisurely lunches? Are you saving to ensure that come retirement age, you are covered? And are you also considering that you could live to the ripe old age of 100?
Retirement products - What you need to know
Retirement products can get confusing, but there are three main types. Read on to learn the difference between a pension fund, a provident fund and a retirement annuity.
Following through from planning to executing
Committing to your retirement strategy and long-term goals pays off in the long run, while changing course without good grounds to do so can end up costing you. Here's why.
How your retirement planning should change as you age
A retirement savings strategy isn't static - it needs to change and adapt as you move through different life stages. In other words, a 23-year old will approach retirement investment differently to someone who is 58. Here's a helpful guide.
Is the 4% rule still relevant for retirement planning?
Traditionally, financial advisers, savers and retirees have relied on the 4% rule when working out how much to save for retirement and what kind of annual income retirement savings would provide. Here's how it works and whether you should still follow it.
Ways to keep working once you retire
To have the best chance of a comfortable retirement, you need to work for as long as possible. Here are some ideas of opportunities you could pursue.
Offshore retirement - dollars in your pockets
The world has changed fundamentally in the past two decades. We are global citizens and aren't necessarily confined to a single country when it comes to work, education, leisure or, indeed, retirement. Here's how to make your global citizenship work for you.
Timing the market - method or madness?
There's a good reason behind the advice "It's about time in the market, not timing the market" - and investors would do well to heed it. Learn why here.
Retirement and tax - What you need to know
Tax is certain, and there's no avoiding it.
Retirement and tax - what you need to know: Part 1
Tax laws have likely changed a lot since your youth and adulthood, and these changes can affect your retirement savings. While you need to consider the impact of tax when planning your retirement savings strategy, it shouldn't be your primary concern. Here's Part 1 of a handy guide.
Retirement and tax - what you need to know: Part 2
Navigating tax implications before and during retirement can be tricky. In Part 2 of our series on the topic, we consider more tax-related factors that might affect your financial decision-making.
Boosting your retirement savings through shared-value life cover
Life cover that allows you to get a substantial portion of your premiums back by encouraging and helping you to get healthy and stay healthy lets you benefit while you are still alive. Here is how Benna Koorsten boosted his retirement savings by R2.7 million.
Make your experience and time work for you
Work is a reason to get up. You earn a regular income and meet people. It does not have to change. Your experience, hobbies and interests can generate extra income while you keep living a full life.
Are you financially prepared for living longer?
We have all heard "50 is the new 40". It may be truer than you think. The world over people are living longer. Although longevity is a positive, financial behaviour combined with other knock-on effects of a longer life have to be considered.