What if we took care of your medical aid premiums?

Medical aid cover is a safety net designed to protect you and your family. Few of us can afford to be without it, which is why you should be able to maintain your cover in the event of unforeseen events.
The Medical Premium Waiver from Discovery Life secures your family’s healthcare, and ensures you never lose your safety net. What it gives you, is reassurance. If you die, become disabled or suffer a severe illness, your family will continue to receive healthcare cover.
While you may have existing life, disability or severe illness cover, payments from these benefits are typically intended to cater for other financial needs –the major costs like debt, medical treatment, rehabilitation and maintaining your family’s standard of living, as well as the little things that add up. Important things like education, which comes with peripherals – extra murals, school books and uniforms.
The Medical Premium Waiver, meanwhile, ensures that there will be sufficient funds available to cover your family’s health plan contributions, should you be unable to. With a significant medical-cost burden off your shoulders, you can funnel extra funds into savings or recovery.
How the Medical Premium Waiver works
If you die, or if you suffer a qualifying capital disability or severe illness (the kind of illness or accident that means you are unable to earn the income you were used to) the Medical Premium Waiver will pay you the equivalent of your Discovery Health Medical Scheme contributions that you paid at the time of the life-changing event. This will be paid each month for a period of five or 10 years – depending on the option you choose.
The premium for this benefit will depend on the healthcare plan you choose and the number of lives protected, and starts from the minimal cost of R46 per month.
These payments will also cover the contributions for the remaining dependents on your health plan and will increase in line with the Discovery Health Medical Scheme contribution each year. Can you imagine the assurance that can bring?
The Medical Premium Waiver is simple, cost-effective and provides invaluable peace of mind for you and your family.
Can you afford to be without it?
Discovery Life Limited. Registration number 1966/003901/06, is a registered long-term insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR Reg No. NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.
Get a Medical Premium Waiver quote today!
The Medical Premium Waiver covers your family's Discovery Health Medical Scheme contributions for up to 10 years if you die, become disabled or suffer a severe illness.
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