Embracing a healthier lifestyle brings big rewards for Discovery Life client, Des

By prioritising his health and taking his exercise goals seriously, Des, a Discovery Life client, has earned over R2.5 million in cash back from his life insurance premiums over the years, through the PayBack benefit.
When Des, a Discovery Life client, first heard about the concept of rewards programmes, he was sceptical. However, shortly after joining Discovery nearly 16 years ago, he soon realised he could reap substantial benefits by engaging with the rewards programme, simply by prioritising his health and taking his exercise goals seriously. This shift in focus to engagement has seen him earn over R2.5 million in cash back from his life insurance premiums over the years, through the PayBack benefit.
"I realised that if I listened to other people's advice, my life would change"
Des, a loving husband and father of four grown children, works as a financial adviser. He understands how the power of healthy habits can really pay off - even though when he first joined Discovery, he was a little sceptical of the promise transpiring.
"I'm a rebel by nature - don't tell me how to drive or when to go to the gym," says Des. "However, when I joined Discovery 16 years ago, I suddenly realised that if I listened to other people's advice, my life would change, especially from a rewards point of view. Whether it's through my Discovery Life policy or Discovery Insure, I take rewards very seriously and I work hard at it."
The biggest rewards he's received are from the PayBack benefit on his Discovery Life Plan. Through continued engagement with Vitality, he's received a significant portion of his premiums back in cash, tax-free, every five years.
"It's been phenomenal; I've received more than R2.5 million of my premiums in cash back from Discovery," says Des. "This has been possible because I've taken it very seriously - I've been on a Diamond Vitality status for 16 years and had no claims."
"You work together with Discovery, and they'll reward you well"
Des turns 78 this year. He also knows that consistently looking after his health and well-being can add years to his life. Internal research shows that Gold or Diamond Vitality members have a life expectancy of 89 years, compared to 67 for the average South African.
"I go for a half-an-hour walk-run, three times a week. That's all I need to do to reach my weekly Vitality Active Rewards goal," says Des. "So far, I've reached 222 weeks without a break in my training. That's over four years of consistently reaching my target. I've got my 100 and 200 goal streak T-shirts and I'm hoping to get my 300 next. To maintain my streak, I've run in bad weather; even during the Covid-19 lockdowns we'd run around the house and up and down stairs."
Des says he doesn't go anywhere near a gym. All he needs to do is set his fitness tracker and keep his heart rate up. He and his wife simply walk with short bursts of running for 30 minutes in their hilly suburb. Not only has this routine helped extend his life, but it has also allowed him to unlock significant value from his Discovery Life plan.
"Those PayBacks have gone towards my pension; one day I'll go on pension, maybe," he laughs. "It's a mindset change. When you get that sort of cash back, tax-free, it's the best investment in the world. You work together with Discovery, and they'll reward you well."
More than bells and whistles
Thanks to his continued engagement, Des boasts triple Diamond status on his Vitality Health, Drive, and Money. "My wife helps with the Spend rewards," he chuckles. With more Discovery products linked to his Life Plan through integration, and Des's commitment to maintain Diamond status, he can enjoy higher ongoing premium discounts and financial rewards.
"Discovery is a dynamic insurer, they take care of you from the cradle to grave - and if you work at it, the rewards are far more than just bells and whistles. My only regret is that I wish I was 20 years younger so I could make more money and have more fun!"
Discovery Life Limited, registration number 1966/003901/06, is a licensed life insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider. NCR registration number: NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.
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