Efficient ways to achieve a pandemic-proof year

Through a global pandemic, we all instantly came face to face with our own mortality in a starkly new way. Many of us have not lived through such an impactful event before; and as we head into 2021, we can almost be sure that this new crisis is now very much entrenched in all of our lives.
One thing that the year 2020 highlighted for us is just how vulnerable we can become overnight.
This creates a unique layer of reality for us as individuals, as communities, and the world at large too. Protecting ourselves and those nearest and dearest to us continues to be of utmost importance. Health and wellness has become a priority for us all, whether it be preventing a contraction of the virus or improving our general health to reduce our risks if we should become infected. We also need to rethink the measures that we have put in place to protect our future financially in essence, we are looking for ways to preserve our health and our wealth in the most efficient way. What if you could preserve our health through healthy habits and in turn reap the rewards financially? This year, you truly can achieve two aims at once with a Discovery Life Plan.
Making health and wellness a top priority
Typically, around this time of year, we approach ‘new beginnings’ with a fresh attitude. Quality of life and improved health and wellness have a way of becoming top priorities for most of us as we enter a new year – oftentimes, every year. Looking back at the health and wellness goals that Discovery Life clients achieved, we are very proud of the health outcomes of our Shared Value model.
- Discovery Life clients have completed 344 000 screenings, such as mammograms, blood pressure and blood glucose tests in 2020.
- As many as 50 000 of these screenings resulted in immediate action being taken to improve a detected health condition.
- Discovery Life clients who are engaged in the Vitality programme completed 155 500 home workouts using our Vitality at Home programme. These clients and the many runners and walkers who took to the streets for their workouts clocked a total of 211 million kms in 2020 alone. That is 274 return trips to the moon.
- Our Life clients also incorporated a healthy, balanced diet in 2020 and purchased in excess of 10 million healthy food items.
- To better protect our clients for COVID-19, Discovery Health Medical Scheme made available the WHO Outbreak Benefit. Nearly 19 000 Discovery Life clients accessed this benefit since its launch.
These stats have shown us how self-aware we have become about the value of prioritising our health by adopting healthier habits. Fortunately, innovation and awareness in healthcare and overall wellbeing offers us improved ways to better ourselves to the point that it has never been easier to engage in healthy behaviour. Perhaps you too have made resolutions or set yourself very specific goals for 2021, then there is no better time to begin than right now.
Have a look at how Shared Value and healthy habits benefited our Life clients to date: Over R7 billion in the form of PayBack and Cash Conversions have been paid to our Life clients to date
Our Life clients have channelled over R2 billion through the Life Plan Optimiser in order to boost their retirement income.
3 simple ways steps to pandemic proof your life with Discovery Life
Discovery Life has extended our 2020 limited offers to help you to plan for the unexpected:
- Use a Life Plan to monetise the new year’s health resolutions that you have set for yourself with the PayBack + 20% offer.
- Boost your retirement savings through the Auto Buy-up Cash Conversion (50%/3 year) offer.
- Ensure that you have the life cover that matches your current needs by taking advantage of the 20% loyalty discount offer.
Discovery Life clients also had access to a market-first Multi-Organ Benefit which could be added on to their life plans to better protect against the financial consequences of COVID-19 and similar types of illnesses.
Our life plan not only supports you in achieving the best quality of life possible, but also helps you to maintain it well into your golden years. Positive thinking, planning and action can see yours and your family’sGoals come to life.
Tomorrow’s healthiest way of life awaits you today – so start adding more value to 2021 for yourself and your loved ones today. Your future self will thank you for it. On your mark, get set… GO!
For more information, speak to your financial adviser or get a quote in 60 seconds.
This article does not constitute financial advice. Discovery Life Limited. Registration number 1966/003901/06, is a licensed insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR Reg No. NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.