"You're paying your older self" - what you need to know about retirement


Saving for retirement is more important than ever. People are living longer and they want to spend their twilight years with as little worry as possible. Maya Fisher-French, well-known financial consumer journalist, talks to a financial adviser about how people can plan a peaceful retirement.

In this podcast

Host: Maya Fisher-French, Financial Consumer Journalist

“All I kept thinking was: I have a great medical aid, I have income protection, I have critical illness – I’ve got all those things and the one thing I don’t have to worry about right now is how I’m going to manage this financially.”

Claire van Wyk, Discovery certified financial adviser

“Having a well-constructed risk benefit in place allows you to deal with the emotional trauma should something happen that wasn’t planned – a cancer, a heart condition, a disability … You’ve got so much emotion to deal with, if you add the strain of finances on top of it, it’s almost impossible to cope.”

Protect yourself and your loved ones with insurance

Insurance is an essential part of your risk financial plan, and should form an integral part of your budget. Insurance can help you fulfil your hopes and responsibilities, and protect you and your loved ones when life takes a turn. Speak to your financial adviser about your goals and how you can achieve them. If you don’t have a financial adviser, you can leave your details with us, and we’ll call you back to discuss your retirement plan and insurance needs.

More podcasts in this series


How to become financially free: tips and hacks for young professionals

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Teach your children about money by making smart money decisions as a family

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