When the unexpected happens: strategic guidance from a financial adviser

If life, there are many unexpected events – retrenchment, loss of a spouse, severe illness – that can change your life in an instant. In this Discovery Smart Money podcast, Maya Fisher-French and financial adviser Adam Helper discuss the steps you can take to weather potential storms.
In this podcast
“There are so many financial instruments available. We are blessed to have these products available. There are many intelligent people – much more intelligent than I – actuaries who sit and work out exactly what it will cost to educate your child; what it will cost to maintain your standard of living.”
Expect the unexpected – and then plan for it
In life, anything could happen, but we are here to help you through the good times as well as the bad. Speak to your financial adviser about how you can prepare for unexpected, potentially life-altering events with the right cover. If you don’t have a financial adviser, you can leave your details with us, and we’ll call you back to discuss your retirement plan and insurance needs.
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Do high-net-worth individuals need insurance?
When you have enough capital to weather a storm, do you still need insurance? This is the question Maya Fisher-French asks financial adviser Grant Khoury, whose answer is a resounding yes. In this Discovery Smart Money podcast, he explains that when you suffer an illness or a disability, your income can stop and you may start drawing down on assets – preventing them from growing further.