The 3 nutrients women most need for good health

This Women's Month, we're inspiring women to take control of their health by making better food choices. In this second edition of our nutrition series, we're zoning in on nutrients that are important at particular times of a woman's life.
This Women's Month, we're inspiring South African women to take control of their health by making better food choices. So all throughout August, we'll keep sharing recommendations and practical tips to help you make every meal one that nourishes.
In this edition of our nutrition tips, we're zoning in on vitamins and minerals that are especially important at particular times of a woman's life.
Before paying attention to specific nutrients, it's important to get the basics right. At every stage of women's lives, nutrition and regular exercise are the cornerstones of good health and optimal energy. By opting for a variety of nutrient-dense foods on a daily basis to provide you with the micronutrients your body needs, says Discovery Vitality dietitian Terry Harris. Choose the healthy options from the following food groups:
- Colourful vegetables and fruits - plain fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables are your best choice.
- Whole grain and high fibre carbohydrates, including brown rice, bulgur wheat, oats and wholewheat pasta.
- Lean proteins, such as legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas) skinless chicken, ostrich, fish (prioritising oily fish) and eggs.
- Healthy fats from foods such as olive, avocado or canola oil, avocado, and raw unsalted nuts and seeds.
- Dairy products including unsweetened milk and yoghurt
However, the following nutrients require special attention as they often fall short of a women's daily requirements.
1. Iron
Iron is one of the keys to good health and optimal energy levels for pre-menopausal women. Essential for healthy blood cells, iron becomes especially important when girls start to menstruate. Adult women between the ages of 19 and 50 need approximately 18 mg a day, and in pregnancy the requirement of iron shoots up to 27 mg a day. The volume of blood almost doubles when women are pregnant, which dramatically increases the demand for iron.
Foods that are good sources of iron include red meat, pork, chicken, liver, shellfish, fish, eggs (particularly the egg yolk), tofu, quinoa, spinach, beans, lentils and some fortified ready-to-eat cereals. The iron from animal products (haeme iron) is more easily absorbed. To enhance the absorption of iron from plant sources (non-haeme iron), pair them with a food high in vitamin C - such as strawberries, oranges, papaya or guavas. Try this recipe for iron-rich lamb, tomato and mint sosaties from the Vitality HealthyFood Studio.
Over time, if you aren't getting enough iron from your diet, or if you are losing too much iron, such as through heavy periods, an iron deficiency can occur. The symptoms of iron deficiency (anaemia), include fatigue, impaired immunity and poor performance at school or work. If you're vegan or a vegetarian consider taking a daily iron supplement.
2. Calcium (and Vitamin D)
Getting enough calcium is important for all ages, but it's particularly important for young women during adolescence and early adulthood, when bones are absorbing calcium. Calcium keeps bones strong and helps to reduce the risk for osteoporosis, a bone disease in which the bones become weak and break easily.
Most experts recommend 1 300 mg of calcium a day for girls aged 9 to 18, and between 1 000 mg and 1200 mg a day for adult women. That's about three cup-equivalents of calcium-rich foods daily. One cup-equivalent of dairy = 1 cup (200 ml) fat free or low-fat milk or yoghurt or calcium-fortified soymilk or 1/3 cup grated cheese.
Calcium-rich foods include milk, yoghurt and cheese, calcium-fortified non-dairy milk like soy or almond milk, canned sardines, pilchards, and salmon and tofu.
Here are some ideas for including more calcium-rich foods in your daily diet:
- Make a breakfast smoothie by blending fruit and yoghurt or milk together.
- Cook oats in milk instead of water.
- Drink a glass of milk with a meal or in between as a snack.
- Yoghurt mixed with cut fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds makes a quick calcium-rich snack.
- Make a healthy "chocolate" milkshake by blending plain milk, fresh banana, and a little cocoa powder together.
- Add calcium-set tofu to your meals such as in stir frys
- Prepare fish cakes using canned sardines, pilchards or salmon
Enough vitamin D is also important to enhance the absorption of calcium in your body, so get around 15 minutes of sunshine a day. Apart from being exposed to sunlight, good sources of vitamin D include fatty fish, such as pilchards and salmon, eggs and fortified foods.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or unable to have a regular intake of dairy products, you may need to consider taking a daily calcium supplement.
3. Omega-3s
These essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, play many important roles in the body, including building healthy brain and nerve cells. They are critical for a healthy metabolism, but they're not produced by the body, so it's important that you get enough omega-3 fatty acids through the foods you eat.
For pregnant women, studies have shown that omega-3s, especially DHA, can help prevent preterm births. Even women who don't plan to have children should be sure to get plenty of omega-3s, as these healthy oils have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, which is the number one killer of women globally.
To meet your omega 3 fat requirements, you need to eat fish at least twice a week. This includes all fish, but particularly fatty fish, such as pilchards, sardines, herring, salmon and mackerel which are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Each serving should be around 100g, or about ¾ cup of flaked fish. Try this rainbow trout ceviche with pomegranate guacamole for something different.
If you're unable to have 2 servings of fish a week, consider taking an omega-3 (fish oil) supplement two to three times a week. For vegans, there's a marine algae supplement available.
"Getting your vitamins and minerals in food form is always best"
"For the general population, there's no need to 'overdose' on vitamin pills and supplements, so save that for when it's specifically prescribed for you, or a temporary Plan B. Getting your vitamins and minerals in food form is always best because the balance between vitamins and minerals play a big role in their efficacy," says Harris.
"Healthy foods already package an ideal mix of different vitamins and minerals," she adds. Just eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods, paying attention to include sources of iron, calcium, and omega 3s, and you should be covered!
Read the first article in this Women's Month series on good nutrition for women's health:
#1 Why opting for a healthy meal is easier when you're organised
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