Patricia Mason praises Hospital at Home service and clinical staff

Patricia Mason was admitted to Hospital at Home for treatment in July 2024. She has asthma and she'd been struggling to breath. Her pulmonologist explained that instead of being admitted to hospital she could be admitted to Hospital at Home - and get hospital-level care in the comfort of home.

"Hospital at Home is the best offering ever," says 67-year-old Patricia Mason.

Discovery Hospital at Home provides care in a patient's own home for a range of medical and post-surgical conditions that would otherwise require hospital admission. It is powered by integrated, cutting-edge remote-monitoring medical technology and supported by highly skilled clinical staff. Hospital at Home is available to Discovery Health Medical Scheme members.

"In July this year, my asthma flared up and I was struggling to breathe. My GP referred me to a pulmonologist who wanted to admit me to hospital. I asked the pulmonologist if he could rather give me medicine to take at home. I have three daughters who work full time and all have children, and I knew that they would want to visit me in hospital but would struggle with the logistics. I didn't want to inconvenience them and also preferred to get better at home if possible."

"That's when the pulmonologist suggested Discovery Hospital at Home through which I could receive hospital-level treatment in my own home. I am so glad he shared the option of Hospital at Home with me. It was an excellent idea and my condition meant I qualified for this form of care, so I was definitely up for it."

"I didn't have to do anything during admission - it was wonderful"

Patricia explains the admission process: "The pulmonologist submitted an application to Discovery Health Medical Scheme to have me admitted to Hospital at Home. The application was accepted on the same day. Someone from the Hospital at Home team phoned me to confirm my admission and to let me know that a nurse would visit me that same day to start my treatment. I didn't have to do a thing - it was wonderful."

"Later that day, a nurse came to my home to insert a needle, as I needed a drip. They measured my vitals, and gave me IV antibiotics. They also gave me a smart monitoring device called a Masimo W1 - a really comfortable smart-watch type device - to wear on my arm. The device constantly monitored my oxygen levels, respiratory rate and other vital signs. The device connected to a smartphone, which the nurses left with me. The readings were automatically sent to a team of monitoring doctors as well as to my treating pulmonologist."

"The nurses were absolutely fantastic"

"During my six-day-long admission to Hospital at Home, a nurse would visit me each morning and another one would come in the evenings. Each time they would measure my vitals, ask me how I was feeling, and administer my antibiotics and other medicines through the drip. The nurses were absolutely fantastic. They were upbeat, smart, had great bedside manner and were brilliant at their job."

"The pulmonologist received readings from the monitoring device as well as updates from the nurses. He phoned me during my admission to let me know that he was sending someone to take blood for testing. He later phoned to let me know that he was happy with the results of the blood tests."

"On a few nights during my admission, a doctor would phone me to let me know that my oxygen levels or respiratory rate had dropped, based on the readings they were receiving from the Masimo monitoring device. They would ask me questions to see if I was okay and whether I needed emergency help. They were so on the ball."

"The Hospital at Home team had also arranged for an oxygen cylinder to be delivered to my home for me to use when my oxygen levels dropped."

"I couldn't have asked for a better experience"

"It was such a relief to be treated at home instead of being admitted to hospital. I slept better in my own bed which helped me to get better a little faster, and I didn't have to worry about inconveniencing my daughters. They would pop over to visit me after work or when it suited them. They didn't have to leave their work or children or travel to the hospital at night to fit in with visiting hours. During the day I could walk outside on my balcony and do the things that I wanted to do."

"I've recommended Hospital at Home to so many people and suggested that those who are Discovery Health Medical Scheme members speak to their treating doctor to see if they qualify - as it's the doctor's job to submit the application for a person. It is fantastic for anyone who is eligible to receive treatment at home. If I ever need hospital-level treatment again and qualify for Hospital at Home again, I'd be very grateful to have the care I got, once more. I was very happy. I couldn't have asked for a better experience."

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