Commit to your health - book your Health Check 65+ today

Be proactive about your wellbeing by completing the Health Check 65+ screening available to Discovery Health Medical Scheme members. The Health Check 65+ is an enhanced set of screening tests aimed at providing insights into unique health risks specific to older adults.
A decline in immunity as we age makes older adults more susceptible to disease. Members of Discovery Health Medical Scheme who are 65 years of age or older qualify for the Health Check 65+ and additional screening benefits.
The Health Check 65+ is made up of the following screenings
Standard Health Check screenings:
- Blood pressure
- Blood glucose
- Cholesterol
- Body mass index
Additional Health Check 65+ screenings:
- STEADI falls-risk assessment
- Pneumococcal vaccination
- Seasonal flu vaccination
Your cover for the Health Check 65+
If you are a member of Discovery Health Medical Scheme and you are 65 years or older, you are covered for one Health Check 65+ a year at a registered Health Check 65+ pharmacy in our network. We pay for the Health Check 65+ from your Screening and Prevention Benefit. This means it won't affect your day-to-day benefits. You may also have cover for an additional GP consultation at a Premier Plus GP, depending on your screening test results and if you meet the Scheme's clinical entry criteria.
Enjoy weekly rewards for achieving your health goals
By completing your Health Check 65+, you may also qualify for personalised health goals on Vitality Active Rewards, even if you're not a Vitality member.
Track and improve your health by achieving health goals tailored to your unique personal health profile and get rewarded.
So, who qualifies for health goals?
- Any Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) member already registered on the Chronic Illness Benefit for diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia or ischaemic heart disease can sign up on their Discovery app.
- All Discovery Health Medical Scheme members with an elevated risk of diabetes, heart disease or certain other chronic conditions are also eligible for Health goals.
Find a provider in our defined pharmacy network

Screen today for a healthy tomorrow
Health checks are quick and simple, but important tests you can do to find out if you have any serious health risks or conditions that need further investigation.

Say hello to great rewards for personalised, preventive screenings
Welcome to your new, personal health goals and rewards, will soon be available on the Discovery app. Your health insights are about to get more personal - and rewarding!
The knock-on effect of achieving your health goals
There's emerging evidence that people who exercise self-control in one domain are generally successful in a number of other domains. Here's how engaging in Vitality Active Rewards can make you more capable by triggering other positive habits.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme, registration number 1125, administered by Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd, registration number 1997/013480/07, an authorised financial services provider and administrator of medical schemes. Vitality is a separate wellness product sold and administered by Discovery Vitality (Pty) Ltd, registration number 1999/007736/07, an authorised financial services provider.