Enjoying rewards you didn’t earn?

Let’s go back to Vitality basics. Do you remember our promise? It was about how we could work together to make you and your family healthier, fitter and happier – and reward you for it.
To fulfill our promise, we use behavioural science aligned with local and international guidelines and various technological tools which also continually improve the services and benefits we offer you.
It’s simple… the healthier you live, the more points you earn. And as you get healthier you get to enjoy rewards that help keep you motivated to live healthily.
There are some interesting examples of how some Vitality members go to creative lengths to buck the system. These include lying in bed waving your arm around to get to 10000 steps, strapping your fitness device to your kids’ wrist when they’re visiting a trampoline park or to your dog’s collar while you relax on the couch. Swiping in and out of gym is a really convenient way of earning quick points.
Why voluntarily opt into a system that helps and encourages you to take steps to better your health, and then cheat on your commitment? It isn’t about getting rewards you didn’t earn, surely?
The intention of Vitality is to help people get healthier, and we’ve designed our programme very carefully because we understand that this is no easy feat. Years of poor lifestyle behaviours do not change themselves overnight. We all need a bit of help to do this.
The result of Vitality engagement is a win-win. By encouraging consistent, healthy behaviours that have the best potential to impact health outcomes over time, Vitality members benefit, we benefit, and ultimately, society benefits. Cheating the system means less rewards for those who truly deserve it.
Get to your Gold or Diamond Vitality status fairly. It will give you a sense of pride that will enhance the taste of those coffees and smoothies.