Health Checks

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Why Health Checks are important

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A Health Check is a simple and convenient set of essential health screenings and preventive tests that can help you identify your health risks across five measures.


A Health Check also empowers you to proactively manage your health risks through lifestyle changes and suitable treatments. Just one assessment a year can enhance your overall wellbeing and give you more years lived in good health.

When results are outside of the healthy range, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor for further testing.

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Why should I do a Health Check?

  • Understand your family's health.
  • Get early detection for better treatment.
  • Lower your healthcare costs in the long run.
  • Helps to better inform your healthcare providers for more personalised and appropriate care.

Where can you do your Health Check?

Discovery Stores

A unique space for members, offering an all-round experience of everything Discovery.

Registered GP and Pharmacy Network

Choose from hundreds of GP's and independent pharmacies in the Discovery Wellness Network.

A Health Check changed Imraan and Nikash's lives. Watch how.

Imraan had a heart attack and stresses the importance of having a Health Check done in order to be more in control of your chronic conditions. Nikash tells of his journey of how a Health Check detected his hypertension.


Once you (and your family) have done a Health Check, you will have access to the WELLTH Fund. The WELLTH Fund is designed to cover you for a range of important check-ups and other healthcare services you may want after your Health Check.

This benefit is activated once all members on the membership have completed a Health Check.

The Fund covers a range of healthcare services focused on preventive care, such as dental check-ups, mental health check-ups, men's and women's health check-ups, and certain medical monitoring devices.

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A Health Check is a simple but helpful set of basic health screenings that are covered annually. A Health Check is performed at the point of care with finger-prick tests, where appropriate. Some of the screenings include:

  • Blood pressure
  • Blood sugar
  • Cholesterol or lipogram tests
  • Weight or body mass index (BMI) assessments
  • Non-smokers declaration (NSD)

If you cannot go for an in-person Health Check and you are in South Africa, you can book a Health Check at Home. This service is available if you live in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, and Durban. Book a Health Check with one of our nurses at home by clicking here.

If you are outside the borders of South Africa, you can go to a registered healthcare practitioner in that country, who can manually send us your Health Check results. Download the Health Check form here for your healthcare practitioner to complete.

The Health Check form must include your full name and date of birth, with the following Health Check results:

  • Your blood pressure
  • Your blood glucose
  • Your cholesterol or lipogram
  • Your weight assessment or body mass index (BMI)

Your healthcare professional must validate your Health Check by either signing or stamping the form, and confirming their or the clinic's details, where relevant. Please then send your completed form to

If you cannot complete your Health Check at one of our accredited healthcare providers, you can go to a registered healthcare practitioner who can manually send us your Health Check results. Download the Health Check form here for your healthcare practitioner to complete.

The Health Check form must include your full name and date of birth, with the following Health Check results:

  • Your blood pressure
  • Your blood glucose
  • Your cholesterol or lipogram
  • Your weight assessment or body mass index (BMI)

Your healthcare professional must validate your Health Check by either signing or stamping the form, and confirming their or the clinic's details, where relevant. Please then send your completed form to

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