How to claim
We pride ourselves on our hassle-free claiming process. We offer a number of convenient ways to start your claim.
If you are in an emergency situation, call Discovery 911 immediately on
0860 999 911.
How to initiate a claim
Use the Discovery app
Use the Discovery app to take photos of an accident scene, capture the details of the other driver and witnesses after an accident and send it to us to start your claim.
Auto Claims
Submit your geyser, vehicle glass, cellphone and electronic equipment claims to our automated claims agent online or on the Discovery app to have your claims approved within minutes.
Log in to our website
Once you have logged in and started your claim, a skilled claims adviser will contact you to continue the claims process.
Speak to your financial adviser
Submit your claim through your financial adviser. Simply contact them and they'll take you through the claims process.
Call Us
Call us on 0860 751 751 to get your claim started.
Follow up on your claim
View the progress of your claims
If you have a claim, you'll be able to view its progress online with ClaimsView.