Vitality Schools Programme

Educational Tools

Help learners get the most out of your Physical Education lessons and coaching sessions by downloading and using the lesson plans and coaching manuals. You also have access to educational posters for your tuck shop and playground.

Information Guides

It’s easy to make healthy changes if you have the right information to guide you on the way. And now you do. Download these Information Guides for all the tips you will need to improve the health of your school and its learners.

Primary school Teachers' Information Guide

This guide contains a wealth of useful information about primary school children’s health. It will help you make the most of the Lesson Plans and make your health and wellness messages even more impactful.


  Download (1.5mb) 

Primary school Champion Manual

Are you a Champion? If so, here’s where you’ll find everything you need to champion your cause and create a healthier school. You’ll also find an overview of the Vitality Schools Programme and the material available on this website. Get it now.


  Download (4mb) 


High school Teachers' Information Guide

This guide contains a wealth of useful information about high school children’s health. It will help you make the most of the Lesson Plans and make your health and wellness messages even more impactful.


  Download (1.6mb) 

High school Champion Manual

Are you a Champion? If so, here’s where you’ll find everything you need to champion your cause and create a healthier school. You’ll also find an overview of the Vitality Schools Programme and the material available on this website. Get it now.


  Download (3.5mb)