Affordable primary healthcare for your employees

Flexicare provides quality, affordable access to primary healthcare for employees who are unable to access medical scheme benefits.

Log in to view your January 2025 benefit and contribution updates:

ACCESS TO PRIVATE PRIMARY HEALTHCARE - through the extensive, nationwide-wide Flexicare network

ACCESS TO PRIVATE PRIMARY HEALTHCARE - and In Hospital Trauma cover on Flexicare

COVER FOR CASUALTY TREATMENT - if Trauma benefit selected



As part of Flexicare's pro-active cyber security measures, we have identified potential threats to client data.

As a consequence of historical data leaks and breaches (external to, and not specific to Flexicare), you should be aware that your personal information such as name, ID and email address, are likely in the public domain. Furthermore, as part of Flexicare's regular security assessments and assurance monitoring, we have identified that limited personal information may have been disclosed to, or accessed by, external parties via a platform hosted outside of our security perimeter. While this may therefore involve potential data exposure, it does not pose any risk to Flexicare systems, and our reason to alert you to this, is to allow you to take precautions.

Where any data exposure is identified, immediate remediation measures and additional safeguards have been put into place to terminate any further risk. We are not aware of any attempted misuse of this information but want to caution that this may lead to identity theft or impersonations.

We caution you to always be vigilant and conscious of protecting your data. You should be suspicious of any approaches, either via email or telephone or any unsolicited platforms from unknown subjects. For more information on prevailing scams and tips to protect yourself please visit our security and fraud webpage.

Flexicare is not a medical scheme. The cover is not the same as that of a medical scheme and is not intended to be a substitute for medical scheme membership. Flexicare and Auto&General Accident Cover is administered by Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd, registration number 1997/013480/07 an authorised financial services provider and underwritten by Auto&General Insurance Company Limited, registration number 1973/016880/06, a licensed non-life insurer and financial services provider. Terms, conditions and limits apply.
Discovery Vitality (Proprietary) Limited, registration number: 1999/007736/07. Terms, conditions and limits apply.
Discovery Emergency Cover is administered by Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd, registration number 1997/013480/07 an authorised financial services provider. Terms, conditions and limits apply. Discovery Emergency Cover is a non-life insurance policy, underwritten by Discovery Insure Ltd, registration number 2009/011882/06, a licensed non-life insurer and an authorised financial services provider.
The Funeral benefit is a life insurance policy, underwritten by Discovery Life Limited. Registration number 1966/003901/06, a licensed life insurer and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR Reg. No. NCRCP3555. Flexicare is a separate non-life insurance policy and is not conditional on the purchase of a Funeral Benefit policy.

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