Discovery was founded on a simple core purpose – to make people healthier and to enhance and protect their lives. This has made Discovery the pioneer of shared-value insurance globally. Our purpose, values and Shared-value Insurance model ensure that we remain focused on being a powerful force for social good.
In partnership with our Vitality network of insurers, we have made a bold public pledge to transform global health by making
100 million people 20% more active by 2025.
Group CEO’s message: Adrian Gore
Discovery congratulates Sanda Ojiambo on her appointment as Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact in May 2020. As a Kenyan business leader, Ms Ojiambo brings over 20 years of experience to the role and is the second woman and first African to lead this initiative of over 10 000 corporate and 3 000 non-business participants from over 160 countries.
COVID-19: A test of sustainability
First detected in December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and nations globally. It has required an unprecedented response and collective action to address the risk of infection, care for those infected, the impact on lives and livelihoods, and the management of economies still reeling from the impact of the measures adopted by nations to manage its spread.
Due to the substantial impact of COVID-19, this report includes a dedicated section on Discovery’s response and initiatives. As the pandemic continued to unfold during the drafting of this report, the information included in the COVID-19 section only discloses our key responses and initiatives in the 2020 financial year (to 30 June 2020).
For further detail, see COVID-19 – a test of sustainability.
Group Chief People Officer’s message: Tswelopele Kodisang
Discovery's revised sustainable development framework
Discovery’s sustainable development framework is being revised through a process of widespread consultation with internal and external stakeholders. Aligned to our Shared-value Insurance model and business strategy, it will provide a framework for an integrated approach that informs the actions of our operations in driving measurable social value.
For further detail, see Discovery’s revised sustainable development framework.
About our report
The Discovery 2020 Sustainable Development Report provides details on how Discovery has delivered on its commitment to be a powerful force for social good. We invite you to explore this website to read more about Discovery's journey to realising our ambitions for the good of our clients, our business, our networks and society.
We are constantly working to improve our reporting and the way in which we measure our impact and outcomes. We welcome stakeholder feedback on our sustainability framework, initiatives and reporting, which can be emailed to
Our Material Matters
During the 2020 financial year, Discovery undertook a broader materiality determination exercise to identify the material matters that could impact Discovery’s ability to create value in the short, medium and long term. It considered value creation in the context of Discovery’s core purpose, which also guides our business decisions.

About our business
Discovery Limited is a South African-founded diversified financial services organisation that operates in managed care and administration of medical schemes, life insurance, long-term savings and investments, short-term and business insurance, banking and behaviour-change programmes.
Established in 1992, Discovery is guided by a clear purpose – to make people healthier and enhance and protect their lives. Our core purpose has manifested in a globally recognised Shared-value Insurance model, underpinned by our leading behaviour-change platform, Vitality, which creates value for our businesses, clients and society.