Related material matters and sustainable development goals
Material matters:
6. Understand and respond to the impact of COVID-19
Sustainable Development Goals:
3. Good health and well-being
While economic growth and development has benefited from greater levels of globalisation, it amplifies the contagion risk for diseases and economies on an international scale. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting society on many levels: from governments who are making tough crisis management decisions that have serious repercussions on the economy; to severely strained healthcare systems and workers; and families dealing with new ways to keep themselves safe, healthy and productive.
At the time of finalising this report (on 30 June 2020), the World Health Organisation had reported over 10 million confirmed cases and over 500 000 deaths globally.
The impact on the lives and livelihoods of people, around the world, is enormous as it is both a trans-national health crisis and a far-reaching global economic crisis. In South Africa, the government acted decisively to prioritise the health and lives of its citizens, with President Cyril Ramaphosa declaring a National State of Disaster on 15 March 2020 and a national lock-down implemented from 26 March 2020, which impacted all non-essential businesses. From 1 May 2020, South Africa commenced a phased approach to resuming normal economic activity.
Discovery’s understanding of COVID-19 and the actions we are taking to protect our clients, employees, networks and business partners, are based firmly on accurate and evidence-based knowledge of the disease, as well as best-practice containment strategies from the World Health Organisation.
Our core purpose and our values leading our response
In this extraordinary crisis, Discovery’s purpose to make people healthier and enhance and protect their lives remains central and relevant to the lives of our clients and society. Discovery’s people have risen to the multiple challenges posed by COVID-19 and have continued to engage with our stakeholders and innovate in our response.