About our reporting


The purpose of this report is to show how Discovery has delivered on its commitment to be a powerful force for social good. We believe that our sustainable development commitments and performance are important enough to our stakeholders to produce a dedicated report.

We will no longer be printing a hardcopy report, but a short summary report is available under Downloads and information.  We welcome feedback on our initiatives and reporting. You are invited to email us at sustainability@discovery.co.za

What we measure

In this report, we use both data indicators and metrics that reflect the unique nature of our business, as well as selected indicators from the Global Reporting Index (GRI). Under this report's Downloads and other information section, you can download a GRI table which shows how we have reported on core indicators of the GRI. Currently, GRI sustainability data refer only to our South African business.

Board responsibilities

Discovery's Social and Ethics Committee ensures transparent communication and engagement with stakeholders. The Committee has reviewed and provided input into this online report. To ensure that our disclosure focuses on sustainable development issues that are significant to Discovery's business and stakeholders, the Discovery Board of Directors agrees the structure and content of this report and provides input on its content.

The Committee is satisfied that this 2018 Sustainable Development Report, together with the Integrated Annual Report, provides a comprehensive and accurate view of Discovery's sustainable development performance for the past financial year and an outlook for the year ahead.

Discovery also remains committed to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. Discovery signed the UNGC in 2015 and integrates its ten principles on human rights, labour, anti-corruption and environmental responsibility into the way we do business. This report also serves as our communication to stakeholders on our progress.

The statements and data in this report have been audited by Discovery's Group Internal Audit and a selection of GRI indicators have been audited externally, as shown in our GRI table.

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