Vitality HealthyWeight

Join over 7000 Vitality members just like you who have lost an average of 7 kg in 24 weeks, from simply improving their healthy eating habits.


Feel healthier, inside and out

It's not just about a number on the scale. Vitality HealthyWeight is about head‑to‑toe health, inside and out - and your registered dietitian is here to help you succeed, on and off the scale. Our clients regularly report results like improved mental health, lower cholesterol, and more energy as well as steady weight loss.

What your HealthyWeight journey is all about:

Individual plans

No 'one size fits all' - your dietitian will work with you, enabling you to take your existing lifestyle and make healthy changes in a way you can maintain, long term.

Flexible structure

All the benefits of balanced meal planning, without recipes or ingredients you don't enjoy. Your dietitian will help you make it truly yours.

Ongoing support

Engage with your dietitian daily to continuously work through your goals with complete support. From meal feedback to questions and accountability - your dietitian is there to make this journey suit your needs.

The secret's in the support

Personalised support isn't just a perk of the programme - it's the key to your success.
After helping thousands of clients find their healthy weight and lifestyle, we've seen a clear pattern: those who regularly connect with their dietitian coach reach their goals and maintain them, long term.

The HealthyWeight difference

"Can I swap chickpeas for lentils?"
"I'm at a cafe - does this sound okay for lunch?"
"I walked 5 km yesterday!"

Some days, you need a little boost. Others, a quick fact check. You get a real human with you 5 days a week for questions, quick‑and‑easy nutrition support, and a dose of motivation in those times when you just need to know someone's got your back.


Choose your HealthyWeight plan

As a special offer, all Vitality members can sign up to the programme for just R275 per month for a 6-month plan, or R375 per month for a 3-month plan.

Although this special offer welcomes all Vitality members, irrespective of your weight status from your Vitality Health Check, your journey with HealthyWeight will be much more effective if you do your Vitality Health Check.

Limited‑time offer for all Vitality members!

6-month plan



R275 per month

for all Vitality members

3-month plan



R375 per month

for all Vitality members

How to get started and what to expect:

Tell us a little bit about yourself and when you'd like to start, and we'll start getting your programme together. Tip: Most of our members prefer around 2 to 5 days to get ready.

Don't just take our word for it, see what our members say:



Loved the support on her HealthyWeight journey

"This is unlike any other plan out there! It's tailored to your needs and lifestyle and is super simple to follow! The support was a game changer."


Lost 10kg and 8cm around her waist

"My coach gave me some good ideas on how to maintain my healthy eating when I had to eat out and was not in charge of what was being prepared," she says. "Plus, the programme was flexible enough for me to swap around days to suit my schedule better. I chose the easier dinners for those nights when I didn't have a lot of time to prepare meals."


Lost 8cm around her waist

"My coach was incredible. She gave me some helpful advice, especially when it came to swapping out things in my eating plan that were more affordable on a tight budget. All the meals were filling and tasted delicious. I appreciated that everything was so simple and straightforward to follow. I enjoyed the recipes so much that I saved a few and I am still using them."

Every meal, every milestone - you never have to go it alone

Get WhatsApp support 5 days a week from your qualified dietitian.

Enjoy progress you can feel and see, with check‑ins to track your achievements.

Eat delicious, healthy meals that fit your life and dietary needs.

There's encouragement, motivation and accountability to keep you on track.

Substitute ingredients and recipes to build your favourite meal plans.

Learn about long-term lifestyle changes with a real human to guide you.

No more guesswork, with meals and grocery lists planned for you.

Choose meal and leftover options that work with your lifestyle and budget.

It's a programme that changes with you - no one‑size-fits-all plans.