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Get 100% return in US dollars with the Discovery Dollar Capital 200+ (August 2024 tranche)

The Discovery Dollar Capital 200+ is a five-year product that provides you with exposure to European, US, Asian and Australian equity markets. The return of the product depends on an underlying global share portfolio which consists of 20 companies from these markets. You get 100% return in US dollars, before advice fees, administration fees and taxes, if the global share portfolio is flat or positive at the end of the five years.



The return in US dollars you can get

100% return in US dollars

You will get 100% growth if the underlying global share portfolio return is flat or goes up by as little as 1% over a five-year period, before the effect of fees and taxes.

Unlimited upside

If the global share portfolio goes up by more than 100% over five years, you will also receive any additional return above that level before the effect of fees and taxes.

You'll also receive downside protection in US dollars


Should the global share portfolio fall by up to 30% during the five-year term, downside protection will apply. Downside protection will provide your initial capital back in US dollars. If the global share portfolio falls by more than 30% at any point during the five-year term, the downside protection will fall away. In this case, clients will receive the return of the global share portfolio in US dollars if it is negative at the end of the five-year term.

The growth, conditional downside protection or any other resulting return is before the effect of advice fees, Discovery admin fees and taxes where applicable. These fees and taxes will affect the final return.

Unlimited upside potential


If the global share portfolio provides a return of more than 100% at the end of five years, clients will also receive any upside above that level, before the effect of advice fees, Discovery admin fees and taxes.


The Discovery Dollar Capital 200+ (August 2024 tranche) is available on our lump-sum Global Endowment Plans from 13 May 2024 to 19 July 2024. The minimum investment amount is 10 000 USD. Product minimum of 25 000 USD still applies.

Speak to your financial adviser to find out more.

Discovery Life Investment Services Pty (Ltd) branded as Discovery Invest is an authorised financial services provider. Registration number 2007/005969/07. All life assurance products are underwritten by Discovery Life Ltd. Registration number: 19 66/003901/06. A licensed Insurer and an authorised financial service provider. Product rules, terms and conditions apply.

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